Indy Skyline

This is a picture of the Indianapolis skyline taken from the office of the executive director of the Indiana State Museum on August 29, 2014 with a Panasonic DMC-LX7 camera (1/640, f2.8). I was really happy with this picture when I first took iā€¦

This is a picture of the Indianapolis skyline taken from the office of the executive director of the Indiana State Museum on August 29, 2014 with a Panasonic DMC-LX7 camera (1/640, f2.8). I was really happy with this picture when I first took it. Thought it would be one of my favorites. I am less excited about it over time. Two things make me not like it as much as I initially thought. First, there's more noise in the picture than I like. I have subsequently replaced this camera with a Sony RX 100 III as my grab and go camera. Much happier with the results from the Sony camera. More importantly, I'm not as thrilled with the composition as I was initially. It's a beautiful day and a clear view of the city. However, it's a surprisingly flat photo that doesn't do anything in terms of telling a story. I find I'm far more captivated by pictures the tell some type of story, such as the flower cutting picture from my first post. This picture is in my portfolio for now but it may not last since it lacks the emotion that some of the other pictures in the portfolio possess. I need to be more thoughtful of the story I'm telling as I compose and take my photos.